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Entrepreneurship education matters

The recent EU report, “Entrepreneurship Education: The Road to Success”, cites multiple impact studies ranging from enhanced skills development to positive changes in school environments and increased teacher engagement to critical long term outcomes such as improved employability and higher rates of entrepreneurship.

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Italian company launches SmartFarmer - an innovate platform for training farmers

Italian company IMAGINARY Srl recently launched the Smartfarmer application, which aims to develop the productive and commercial skills of farmers by means of the innovative approach of serious games. The Smartfarmer specialized platform allows farmers to be trained directly, easily, and responsibly on matters concerning productive processes and the commercial exploitation of agricultural products.

The electronic platform will be constantly updated and dynamically enhanced with a view to informing farmers in an optimal way. The platform, which is part of the Smartfarmer program, is created by the University of Patras, the Union of New Farmers of Achaia, the University of Ioannina, the Agricultural Cooperatives’ Union of Aegion, The IFSAT Foundation from Holland, the nongovernmental organization MY WORLD ASSOCIATION from Bulgaria, and IMAGINARY SRL company from Italy. The platform is provided free of charge. The application is fully funded by the European Union as part of the ERASMUS+ program.

A new skills agenda for Europe

The European Skills Agenda was announced in the 2016 Commission Work Programme. Launched on 10 June, it aims to support upward social convergence and contribute to the European Commission's first political priority, "A New Boost for Jobs, Growth and Investment" by addressing three pressing challenges of today's economies: the lack of relevant skills to match labour market needs, the insufficient transparency of skills and qualifications, and the difficulty to anticipate and forecast skills.

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Entrinno 1st Newsletter

The EntrInnO partners have completed the needs analysis report and share their experiences in the first newsletter. Read our newsletter for updated from the partners and for our upcoming work.

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CARDET’s Multiplier event at Microsoft Innovation Center

EntrInnO featured at the first Cyprus Games Exhibition that took place on April 17th 2016 at the Microsoft Innovation Center. The exhibition was a full-day event, with game demonstrations, a gaming competition, as well as a session with presentations. In total, there were about 500 visitors throughout the whole event, mainly general audience, people interested in gaming, policy makers, students, stakeholders, even families.

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EntrInnO featured in the EOC’s European News

European projects have been making an impact in the Cyprus context, in all areas. This year, CARDET is gladly leading the works for the European project EntrInnO. The European Office of Cyprus (EOC) publishes its monthly newsletter titled “European News”. In February’s issue, EntrInnO is presented, along with other projects, 2 more of which are also led by CARDET.

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